ISO 50001
The ISO 50001 Energy Management System has been developed in response to the needs and requirements of the modern market, where effective energy management is a key determinant of development and a key contributor to environmental protection. It is based on ISO 14001, the environmental management system, and the system model is based on the principle of continuous improvement.
Brief background
ISO 50001 was published in 2011 and was based on the BS EN 16001 standard of 2009. On 21 August 2018, a new edition of ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use was published, replacing the 2011 standard. The revision aligned the content of the standard with the HLS structure, which facilitates integration with ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.
Tasks and objectives of ISO 50001
The main task of the system is to identify areas of significant energy consumption, applicable legal and other requirements, and to manage energy consumption in these areas accordingly. The primary task of the standard is to achieve and improve energy efficiency in a way that demonstrates the real and measurable effects (including economic effects) of the solutions adopted.
The primary results of an energy management system, from its implementation, are an increase in the energy efficiency of processes, a decrease in energy-related costs and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The benefits of an organisation's Energy Management System are a reduction in the production costs of products or services and a reduction in their carbon footprint, through a reduction in unit energy consumption.
In recent years, the impact of an organisation's energy management on the environment, including the climate, has become increasingly important. The environmental aspect of energy management is becoming an important element of CSR policy; it also helps to shape a positive brand image.
Benefits for the organisation
- reduction in the cost of manufacturing of products and services and lower fees for energy and its carriers
- reduced energy security risks
- improved corporate image through reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduced environmental impact
- meeting customer requirements or additional points in tenders
- marketing advantage of ISO 50001 certification
- for large companies: no obligation to carry out an energy audit of the company
- for energy-intensive businesses: possibility of exemption from excise duty on taxable operations involving coal or gas products for heating purposes
- for printing companies: much easier to obtain the Blue Angel label according to DE-UZ 195 "Printed Matter"

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